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We will be closing at noon on Tuesday, December 24th and will be closed on Wednesday, December 25th. We will be closing at 3 pm on Tuesday, December 31st and remain closed on Wednesday, January 1st.

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Business Checking Accounts

Choose the Account For Your Business

No two businesses are looking for the exact same features from their checking accounts. At Keystone Savings Bank, we offer you variety, not a one-size-fits-all approach because we know your business is unique. If you’d like to learn more about the checking accounts we offer, or open an account for your business, stop in to one of our offices.

Visit Our Offices

Compare Our Business Checking Accounts

 Business CheckingBusiness Interest CheckingBusiness Super NOW Checking

Choose this account for your business if...

You want an account with no minimum balance requirements and unlimited check writing ability

You want to earn interest on your business’s checking account balance

You are a sole proprietorship, government entity or non-profit organization and want an account with low monthly fees

Opening Deposit




Minimum BalanceNone$1,500 (to avoid minimum balance fee)

$1,000 (to avoid minimum balance fee)


$5 monthly fee


$0.05 fee per debit

$5 monthly fee


$8.50 minimum balance fee if account falls below $1500 any day during statement cycle


$0.05 fee per debit

$8.50 minimum balance fee if account falls below $1000 any day during statement cycle


$0.30 fee per debit for each item in excess of ten (10) during a statement cycle


Unlimited Check Writing


$0.10 credit for each $100 of average monthly balance up to, but not to exceed any charges for the month

Earn competitive interest on entire account balance


Unlimited check writing

Earn competitive interest on entire account balance


Unlimited check writing
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